
What to Know Before Selling Your Valuables to a Pawnshop


So, if you want to sell your valuables to a pawnshop to pocket a bit of quick cash before payday or clear some space in the top drawer of your desk, there are a few things you need to know. When you get right down to it, there are a couple of considerations for not only selling an item but getting the best price for it, and that’s not going to happen if you’re a greenhorn at negotiating and don’t know how pawnshops work. Luckily, we’re here to save your bacon, so let’s talk through a few things you ought to know.

  1. Not All Pawnshops Are Made Equal

You’d be mistaken if you thought all pawnshops were made equally and offered the same services. However, it is a common misconception, so we’ll let you off. Pawnshop services differ by location, company, and whether it is an independent shop or a chain.

You’ll need to pick your pawnshop carefully to get the desired results—this isn’t always easy, but it is possible with time and prior thought. Look at pawnshops in your area and weigh the pros and cons. For example, a pawnshop owned by a big company and part of a chain will offer better prices thanks to more funding but may not take items that a smaller, independent shop would purchase. It’s important to find what will work for you.

  1. Haggling is Part of the Deal

Haggling is a core part of any pawnshop interaction, so exploring how to negotiate and get good prices through your interactions with them is important. When we look at haggling, it is important to aim to set a slightly higher price from the beginning because most negotiations end a little lower. With that being said, we’ve talked about haggling in more detail in other blogs – check them out.

  1. You Can Sell or Pawn

When it comes to selling valuables, you’ve got a few options at a pawnshop, which helps a lot with flexible selling power. You can either sell the item outright and walk away with the cash or pawn your items instead. The great thing about pawnshops is that you get a choice and can experiment with what’s on offer. If you need a payday but want to keep the item, you should look into pawning an item instead of selling it, but the option will always exist for both.

Selling to Pawnshops

When selling to a pawnshop, knowing that you have options and making sensible decisions to sell your items for their maximum value is important. Picking the right shop for your needs and understanding how to haggle will help you in a big way. However, with that being said, you need to be proactive regarding what you do and recognise how best to make a sale. Pawnshops are a great resource, and we’d recommend anyone take a look at selling because they are an easy way to do things and don’t involve a lot of hassle from negotiating and worrying about hidden costs like posting an item or commission fees from selling sites.

Top Tips to Make More Selling a Rolex


So, if you want to make more money selling a Rolex, there are a few things that you can do. If you have a Rolex which has been sitting in the drawer for many years now, then you can sell it.

However, if you want to maximize the value of your watch, then there are definitely a handful of things that you can do to make the final offer that much higher. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about selling a Rolex and how to make it more valuable.

  1. Check the Parts

The value of a Rolex is often damaged when it has been repaired, and parts have been replaced with pieces which are not of the Rolex brand. You need to understand that watches can be repaired with certain universal pieces, like a new bezel or a screw in the watchband.

This is more cost-effective than replacing damaged Rolex parts with new Rolex parts, so get somebody to take a look at the watch before you try to sell it and identify if you need to replace any of the generic pieces with something appropriate. There are places on the internet where you can buy replacement parts for a Rolex, and while this might be a bit of an investment, it will drive the price up a lot.

  1. Packaging and Inserts

Hopefully, you kept the box that your Rolex came in when you first received it. Part of the Rolex brand is the packaging, so the original box and inserts like instruction manuals, warranty booklets, or foam molds used to keep the watch in place will all be part and parcel of the Rolex. The watch will fetch a higher price if it can be sold as if it were a new purchase, so if you don’t have the box, see if you can source one elsewhere that matches your watch.

  1. Picking Sellers Carefully

There are lots of people out there who will buy a Rolex from you. We probably talked about nearly all the types of sellers that you can work with, and it is worth going to a private seller every single time. They can give you a more competitive price, it’s a quick and easy transaction, and you don’t have to worry about whether or not you are being conned. Ultimately, this keeps the value of your watch quite high because a collector will always try to offer you a lower option and aim to capitalize on your inexperience in making sales.

The Art of the Sale

Presentation and good condition are key parts of any sale, and with a Rolex, it is no different. The Rolexes that are in good condition will fetch a better price than those that are not. If your goal is to get the best price for your watch, then you need to commit to having it in good condition and tidying it up. If you’ve got the original box and inserts, you’ll make a lot of money, so a little bit of preparation before selling goes a long way.

Selling a Rolex – Private Sales vs Public Sales


So, if you have a Rolex that you want to sell, you have to pick the right place to sell it. You have two main options at your disposal. You can sell your Rolex on a public platform like eBay or a collectors site or sell privately to a business.

One of these options is better than the other for a multitude of reasons. We thought it would be helpful if we took a look at what you needed to know about selling your Rolex and compared the two options. Let’s take a look.

Public Sales

First of all, let’s take a look at public sales and what they can offer the prospective Rolex sale. Public platforms include eBay, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and a collectors’ site. There are quite a few public places where you can sell a Rolex, and they do have some good points.

Public selling platforms are accessible to a lot of people, so the chances of people getting interested in your item are quite high. It’s quite easy to sell on a public platform because most people already have an account for shopping, and you can normally use that to sell items. Finally, public sites have security measures in place to protect both sellers and buyers from fraud.

With that being said, they are not perfect. Public sites have a greater potential to receive junk or lowball offers. There is usually a commission taken from the company as part of the costs of selling, and it’s often a percentage of the item, so you could lose quite a lot if your Rolex is valuable. Public platforms are not something we would recommend.

Private Sales

The other side of Rolex sales is the private sales usually conducted between the seller and a business. This is the best option if you want to get a good price without any problems.

There are companies who are in the business of buying and selling used Rolexes, and if yours is valuable, you will get a competitive price from a business that has the cash to spend. They will operate with integrity and honesty because they have a reputation to maintain.

As this is a business, the sale will also be quick and easy, and there is some room to negotiate to get a better price if you have things like the original box and packaging that the watch came in and it is still in good condition.

Sell Privately Today

If you are going to sell your Rolex, it’s probably clear that a private sale is better. While it is true that public sales are quick and easy, this is counterbalanced by the commission costs and the potential to receive a string of bad offers.

The problem with websites like eBay is that they function as middlemen, and with a high-value item like a Rolex, the easiest option is often to bypass the middleman and go straight to a company yourself. Not only do you get a better price, but it’s an easier transaction, so it’s well worth doing.

The Top Pawn Shop Trends For 2024

Like any area of business, the pawn shop industry is one which continues to grow throughout the years and develop. New advances in technology and a shift in customer habits means that things will undoubtedly change, and in some cases, in ways that will fundamentally change the way we use pawn shops. As we’re now well into 2024, it’s a good idea to take stock of the trends which are coming into play, and see how they might shape the industry. Let’s get cracking.

  1. An Expanding Inventory

One trend that has been building for quite some time now is definitely a massive expansion of inventory for pawn shops, and it’s all coming to a head in 2024. There are more things being bought and sold in a pawn shop than ever before – ranging from things like sporting goods to antique jewellery to luxury items and gaming consoles. There’s a real uptick in the number of people trading into pawnshops nowadays – and it sure shows in the variety of goods on offer. Why, you might even spot some classical art on sale these days, but be careful of reproductions!

  1. Increasing Use of Technology

You know what they say about technology – it’s here to make lives easier, and we couldn’t agree more with that idea. Modern tools are evolving to help us, and that’s exactly what they do with pawn shops. There’s a wealth of computer programs and smart tools that help pawn shop owners do all sorts of things with their businesses.

They can look up prices for items online, keep an inventory full of goods that updates in real-time for a website, or do things like stay current on valuable items. All this technology is undoubtedly going to stick around – which helps a lot for people who like a faster, more accessible pace of life when they trade to a pawn shop.

  1. Increased Emphasis on Regulations

Now, this one is probably a little more for the business side of things than your typical customer experience, but it does benefit the customer too. The sample truth about the pawnshop industry is that it is facing greater pressure to conform to a set of regulations and rules designed to help it operate in a more transparent and ethical manner.

You will gradually start to see that there is much less room for a single pawnshop to operate in a “Wild West“ manner. Instead, the emphasis will be on following strict rules surrounding the buying, selling, and pawning of items. These new rules will undoubtedly help consumer confidence and will continue to develop into 2024 and beyond.

Changes For Good

Now, nobody can deny that the changes we are beginning to see in the industry are for the greater good. It’s high time that a few changes were implemented that would benefit consumers and protect pawn shops from harm. Finding a good middle ground was always going to be tricky, but ultimately, it will be worth it.


Selling a Rolex? Follow These Simple Tips


If your end goal is to sell a Rolex and make a lot of money, then there’s a couple of rules that you should follow. These are a few simple tips that we have put together from years of buying Rolexes from people. You see, we know what makes a good sale, and we know what we look for when we make a deal. We figured that it was about time you benefited from this wisdom. So, with that being said, let’s take a look at our top tips for making the most money out of your Rolex sale.

Inserts Included = Big Bucks

It has got to be said that an original Rolex with the box and all of the inserts still included fetches a lot more than just a Rolex in a plastic bag. The box adds a certain flare to the watch and helps to authenticate it. Your watch will have come with a specific box and inserts and once it is all put together it becomes a nice collectors item. We are willing to pay a lot more for a box and inserts than just the watch, so if you can dig it out of wherever you have left it, it’s worth having.

Always Go For Companies

If you do want to sell your Rolex, always look for a big company to sell it to. Places like eBay and private selling sites should be avoided at all costs. You might think that they are quick and easy places to make a sale, but the truth is that you lose money in commission fees and you have to negotiate bidding. It’s better to work with a professional company that will give you a competitive price for your watch.

Haggle a Bit

You’ve got something that we want. At the end of the day, we want to buy your Rolex from you. This means that you do have a little bit of room to negotiate on the price. Obviously, we do charge a competitive market rate, and we can offer you a good deal for your watch. However, don’t be afraid to negotiate a little bit. We don’t mind paying a little bit more if you negotiate properly. After all, the most important thing to us is that you feel like you’ve got a good deal from selling your watch.

Sell Today

So, these are just a few of the things that we recommend people keep in mind when it comes to selling a Rolex. These are just a few good tips that you can follow to make the selling process a little bit easier for yourself. At the end of the day, you have the watch, so you have more control over the process than you might think. Come and have a talk with us if you want to learn more about what we can offer. We would be more than happy to help you.

Selling a Rolex – Easy Work in 2024?


So, nowadays, we’re into 2024. Considering that we’re now nearly five months in – seriously, where does the time go – many people are starting to wake up to the idea that this trend of selling their old Rolex for a lot of money isn’t a fad. It’s the real deal, and you’d be wise to give it a go if you haven’t done so already.

Is it as easy as selling it and walking away with the money? Well, yeah, but if you don’t know how you’d be surprised at how to get started. That’s where we come in – we’ll teach you the facts.

Keep Off Selling Sites

So, the ground rules for selling a Rolex are walking away with money and no issues. How do we achieve this? Well, you’re going to want to ensure you keep away from selling platforms like eBay, for one. They’re a big no-no.

Why is this the case, though? Surely you want to sell to a random millionaire who likes to pick up Rolex watches on eBay or private sites?

Well, no.

You often wind up with people who don’t understand the value of your watch or shoddy collectors who will spitball you a low offer on the ideal you don’t know what you’ve got. It’s a common problem, and on top of that, most selling sites have commission fees.

As you can tell, this isn’t a good idea. It’s not recommended if you want to keep things nice and easy.

Sell to a Company, Make Money

If your goal is to make money and walk away without much hassle, then you’ll want to look at selling to a company. Some businesses out there want Rolex watches, and they’ll pay you for them. It’s a pretty good deal, all things considered, primarily when you use them to get a competitive price for a watch that’s been sitting in your desk drawer for a decade.

These companies have a reputation as being the best of the best. They can’t afford to mess you about and give you a hard time because that’ll damage their reputation with the public. You can be sure you’ll get a good deal because they’ll work to whatever the current market value is – usually higher than you know.

Sell a Rolex Today

Well, it’s 2024. If you haven’t already tried to sell a Rolex, we recommend you try it. The simple answer is that you’ll love being able to sell your Rolex because, at the end of the day, what good is it doing you if it’s sitting in a drawer? You’ll want to move on, and frankly, we can’t blame you. The best thing you could do is sell it, and there are companies out there that pay the big bucks for a Rolex that is in good condition and has all the original bits to go with it. Try it and see for yourself.

Should You Use a Pawnshop in 2024?


There’s an interesting opinion about pawnshops these days. Some folks believe they’re a relic of the past, but others use them every month to make it to payday. It’s quite the sharp contrast on either side of the train tracks.

Well, many people want to know – should you use a pawnshop in 2024? The answer is yes, you should. Why is this the case? Well, we’re here to give you the facts and talk about what makes a pawnshop so darn intriguing in today’s world.

Money For Goods – Available at the Drop of a Hat

So, let’s talk about the main draw of a pawnshop – they’re easy access to money at the click of your fingers. The catch? You’ll need something to pawn.

The good news is that you don’t just need to find a hidden stash of ancient jewels hidden in the roof because a modern pawn shop will take just about anything. In today’s pawn world, you can trade a PS5 or an antique Rolex, and you’ll get a fair price for both.

Being able to take an item in and walk away with money is a pretty intoxicating idea. Need a quick top-up till payday? A pawn shop has got you covered. Want to get rid of that old coat you’ve not worn since college? You know where to go.

The Ever-Reliable Stopgap

Let’s be honest here – modern life is pricey. You might get to a week or two before payday, and the fridge is empty, or you’ve got a car repair bill that will leave you with no disposable income for the next month. Rather than go hat in hand to a loan company – a recipe for disaster if you’re not wealthy – you can plug the financial gap with a pawn loan.

We started this discussion to answer a straightforward question – are pawn shops still popular in 2024? The answer is they are, especially in the unforgiving economic climate which is modern America. That’s why it’s worth using one because you never know when you need an emergency cash injection to save your bacon.

Many people use them as a regular part of life to make it through to payday. Not everyone is making a proper wage, and there is the age-old argument about life being worth living. Access to money through your pawn loans is a good safety net, so why wouldn’t people take full advantage?

Here to Stay

It’s probably a safe bet to say that pawnshops are here to say. They’re easy to use, and people love them. Public appeal will keep things like a pawnshop going for a long time, even after the naysayers figure it’s a fad that’ll go out of fashion. Considering that you don’t need to sign up for much to use a pawnshop, it’s worth looking at your options. Who knows, you might love the idea and want to keep using it for years.



Selling a Rolex: FAQ


When it comes to selling a Rolex you’ve probably got a few questions. Honestly, that’s totally understandable, and it does mean that you might be hesitant to sell the watch without getting answers to a few questions. After all, if you start from a place of no knowledge, you can’t hope to get anything done. Now, with that being said, it’s important to learn a few things about selling your Rolex. What we thought we’d do for you is answer some of the most frequently asked questions to give you the confidence you need to sell a Rolex.

Q: Can I sell my Rolex whenever I want?

The great thing about owning a Rolex is that you can sell it whenever you want. If you make the decision to sell your Rolex to a private company, then you can sell whenever, because this does not have a given timeframe. The price will be competitive throughout the year, so it’s well worth checking out.

Q: Why should I avoid eBay?

Lots of people think that they can make a sale on eBay and it’ll be an easy way to make a bit of money for their watch. However, eBay comes with a stack of problems which makes it tough for anyone to make a good sale – a lack of seller protection, commission fees for the platform, and other issues mean we can’t recommend it.

Q: How do I maximize the value of my Rolex?

If you want to jack up the value of your Rolex, then your best bet will be to do things like make sure it’s clean and works, and that it comes with all the right documents and packaging. The closer that the Rolex is to being like a new product, the better the offer you’ll get for it.

Q: How do I know what a good price is?

If you want to sell your Rolex, you need to know what is a good price. The best way you can do this is to do a bit of research and look at what your model is going for online. This will help you to make the right decision when making your sale. Don’t compromise on price – it’s worth it to hold on for a good deal.

Q: Is a sale difficult?

No, not at all. We make an offer, you accept it, and then we sort out taking ownership of the item and giving you your cash. It’s that easy – we don’t mess about.

Sell a Rolex Today

So, ultimately, it is just that easy to sell a Rolex. Hopefully we’ve answered some of the burning questions you’ve had about selling your watch and now you can make the right decisions going forward. After all, having the knowledge you need to make the right choices can help a lot with your sake. We are more than happy to discuss any specific details with you, so please feel free to get in touch.




Can You Sell Art at a Pawnshop?


By now, you’ve probably been able to work out that a pawn shop is a treasure trove of quirky items, ranging from used golf clubs to random luxury items. So, where does art come into the equation? If you’ve got a bust of a famous historical figure or art that’s been in the family for a few generations, knowing how to move it on can be tricky. Luckily, you can sell most art in a pawnshop – it’s a pretty easy process too. So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at what you need to know – and how it can make a difference.

Art is a Valuable Commodity

The first thing you need to know about art is that it is, without a doubt, a highly precious commodity. Art can be extremely valuable under the right circumstances, and the prices it can fetch are often in their own weight class. It’s hard to find something as valuable as certain pieces – especially those pieces which are rare and have been part of a household for the last 60 years or so. It can be rare for some pieces to surface, especially items which are known to be out of the public eye for a while, but if you’ve got one, it can be a pretty substantial nest egg.

Selling Your Art

Owing to the high market value of art, the responses to a potential sale you get from different pawn shops can vary substantially. There are some shops that won’t buy it from you out of fears of complications, but those who do may have a few different reactions.

The first port of call, naturally, will be to determine if the art is authentic and not a forgery. You’ll find that pawn shops usually know an expert and will call someone in to come and verify the art. This will involve things like comparing it to other works done by the artist, seeing if the paintings or statue share characteristics, and generally checking to see if it’s the real deal. Part of this will also include getting a valuation of the art to find out what it’s worth.

Generally, if a pawn shop is confident they can sell the painting to a collector or a museum, they’ll give you a good price for it. As a middleman of sorts, they will want to purchase items they can sell quickly, because art can fetch a good price.

A Lucrative Deal

Art can be a good way to make some cash quickly and if you’re prepared to be reasonable, you’ll find a lot of buyers who will make you a good deal. It is up to you to find the right pawn shop for your art, but if you can, you’ll definitely make quite a bit of money for yourself. It is best to take a look at what’s on offer and decide ahead of time what you’ll take for your art.



How to Prepare a Rolex For Sale


So, you’ve got a Rolex. If you want to prepare it for sale, you’ll need to do a few things. A good Rolex in excellent condition can be worth quite a lot of money. However, if you want to drive up the price, there’s a few things you can do to boost the overall value of your watch. Let’s take a look at exactly what we mean, and make sure that you know how to best get your watch ready to sell, and hopefully increase the price by quite a lot.

  1. Cleaning Time

The first thing you should do when you are preparing to sell a Rolex is to clean it properly. It has probably been a few years since the last big clean, and this will make a massive difference to the value of your watch. You need to make sure that you are gentle, however, as a Rolex can be very easily damaged by modern cleaning chemicals, especially the ones that are abrasive. With that being said, taking the time to carefully clean your Rolex will make a big difference, and should increase the price quite substantially.

  1. Got Paperwork?

Any of the original packaging and paperwork that your Rolex came with will be very useful in helping to increase the value of the watch. The original box, inserts, and documentation all help to verify that your Rolex is authentic, and this will do wonders for the price.

If you don’t have any of the original inserts, you may be able to purchase them online and combine them with the watch to increase its value. It’s a small investment that could pay dividends later on. Ultimately, having all of the paperwork together is your best bet for getting the ideal option.

  1. Look At Selling Big

The place that you sell a Rolex will affect how you prepare the Rolex. One of the best things you can do is try and sell to a private company. They have the tools and resources necessary to help you get the best results. Obviously, they have a lot more money available to them, and this allows them to offer a more competitive price. Plus, this kind of sale is often a lot easier to do, and it can work out really well for you.

Prep Work Makes a Difference

So, it probably shouldn’t come as a great surprise that doing the prep work for your Rolex sale makes all the difference. It should be quite obvious now that you can make a fair amount of money on a Rolex. However, you do have to take the time to prepare it for a sale, because it does make the final price you get that much higher. If you’re smart, you’ll do everything you can to prepare your Rolex for sale, and it will make a big difference. It’s well worth taking a look at all of the options that are available.