Selling a Rolex – Private Sales vs Public Sales


So, if you have a Rolex that you want to sell, you have to pick the right place to sell it. You have two main options at your disposal. You can sell your Rolex on a public platform like eBay or a collectors site or sell privately to a business.

One of these options is better than the other for a multitude of reasons. We thought it would be helpful if we took a look at what you needed to know about selling your Rolex and compared the two options. Let’s take a look.

Public Sales

First of all, let’s take a look at public sales and what they can offer the prospective Rolex sale. Public platforms include eBay, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and a collectors’ site. There are quite a few public places where you can sell a Rolex, and they do have some good points.

Public selling platforms are accessible to a lot of people, so the chances of people getting interested in your item are quite high. It’s quite easy to sell on a public platform because most people already have an account for shopping, and you can normally use that to sell items. Finally, public sites have security measures in place to protect both sellers and buyers from fraud.

With that being said, they are not perfect. Public sites have a greater potential to receive junk or lowball offers. There is usually a commission taken from the company as part of the costs of selling, and it’s often a percentage of the item, so you could lose quite a lot if your Rolex is valuable. Public platforms are not something we would recommend.

Private Sales

The other side of Rolex sales is the private sales usually conducted between the seller and a business. This is the best option if you want to get a good price without any problems.

There are companies who are in the business of buying and selling used Rolexes, and if yours is valuable, you will get a competitive price from a business that has the cash to spend. They will operate with integrity and honesty because they have a reputation to maintain.

As this is a business, the sale will also be quick and easy, and there is some room to negotiate to get a better price if you have things like the original box and packaging that the watch came in and it is still in good condition.

Sell Privately Today

If you are going to sell your Rolex, it’s probably clear that a private sale is better. While it is true that public sales are quick and easy, this is counterbalanced by the commission costs and the potential to receive a string of bad offers.

The problem with websites like eBay is that they function as middlemen, and with a high-value item like a Rolex, the easiest option is often to bypass the middleman and go straight to a company yourself. Not only do you get a better price, but it’s an easier transaction, so it’s well worth doing.