Your Guide to Adventure Travels

How did you like your last vacation? Did you have a blast? Did you find something fun to do? Was there some leisure too or did your last vacation consist of shuttling your family around, doing yard work and other chores? Did your last “vacation” end up being a “staycation”? Why not try something new this year? When you have a few days off why not try one of the many adventure travels that is available in your local area. Even if you don’t go outside your home state there are tons of adventures to be had. If you have the funds, why not spend a little on yourself and have a true adventure? Here are some crowd-pleasing adventure travels.

Do you love photography? Have you always dreamed of photographing the world’s most famous locales? Photo Explorer Tours is an outfit that specializes in that. These are tours around the globe, led by internationally recognized photographers. The company comes up with tours of places throughout the world. If you haven’t decided where you want to go, that’s fine. You can make plans for your vacation during a convenient time for you and then just join another group. Photo World Tours plans specific tours to specific places on specific dates. Just join any tour group and go with them wherever they are, when you have vacation time. Engulf yourself in spontaneity! Dude Ranches are good trips for the whole family. In Nebraska, the Ponderosa Ranch is a labor-intensive and vacation ranch. You can sleep in the ranch’s guest cabins. During the day you are a true ranch hand. Guests ride horseback and help out by rounding up and driving the ranch’s cattle from one pasture location to another. In the evening time there are campfire stories. When you have a bit of free time, you can select from several different activities, including hunting, fishing, hiking and riding horseback. This is a really good vacation for families because they welcome people from all age groups and skill levels.

Are you a foodie? Do you drool when you learn about and taste cuisine from around the world? Why don’t you try out a culinary tour? By all means, Italy is among the height of popularity when it comes to food destinations and people who want to try cuisine in it “native habitat.” Ireland, Spain and Greece also offer fabulous “culinary tours.” These kinds of tours not only allow you to sample the food after it’s prepared by “native” chefs, but you also learn how to prepare a variety of dishes yourself. This is the perfect adventure travel for an aspiring chef or anybody who loves food.

Adventure travels don’t always have to be about a death defying defeat. You can have a wonderfully adventurous vacation without bungee jumping, skydiving or praying a shark won’t bit through a cage. On the same line, for the adrenaline driven, that haphazard chance is only half the fun of an adventure based vacation.

The best way to have a truly adventurous vacation is to challenge yourself and still having a fabulous time. Get out and do it!

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