Times When Silver is Better Than Gold

Though gold is always more valuable per ounce than silver, occasionally, silver is the better option. Why?

Mainly, because it’s cheaper. Not everything that could use gold needs to use gold, when something similar and less expensive can do the job.

What are other cases where silver beats gold?


Silver is so strong that, sometimes, gold needs silver mixed in to make it able to withstand use. As an anti-bacterial metal, it’s often used over other metals to create gold alloys.

Silver is also used to solder and braze other metals, providing them with stable and firm joints in a variety of settings, from electronics to jewelry.

Silver can further be used simply to match the color or metal of the object being soldered. However, its strength always provides the additional benefit of stability.


Besides being a personal preference of color, silver is extremely popular in jewelry for its relative cheapness as a precious metal. This makes it easier for those with metal allergies, or metal hypersensitivity, to wear relatively inexpensive jewelry, so long as what they buy is pure silver and not sterling silver, which is a silver alloy.

Likewise, silver won’t oxidize and turn skin green, nor will it cumulate bacteria that can cause infections. For those that get piercings, silver is a great alternative for a safe piercing that doesn’t break the bank.


Once used in the construction of mirrors, due to its incredibly reflective nature, silver is now used in lining spacecrafts to protect inhabitants from the sun! Likewise, silver is often used in skyscrapers and other buildings to coat the windows and help them avoid heating up.

Silver functionally replaces the need for shade, as it reflects instead of absorbing heat or light. In space, unless you’re flying right behind a planet or other orbital body, you’re going to constantly be in view of the sun, which would heat you up continuously! This makes silver an absolute necessity under our harsh star.


Gold is used in many electronics as a conductor, since gold does not tarnish. However, the electronic industry and the world’s gold supply couldn’t survive by only using gold!

Silver is also the world’s most conductive metal, making it a more efficient form of travel for electricity. Unfortunately, silver tarnish can affect the overall conductive nature of the metal and would need constant upkeep, but, with a bit of maintenance every now and then, it can still perform at its best.


You often hear of people buying gold or silver coins as investments against economic collapse. Another tactic is trying to play the market by buying at their lowest and cashing in when the price peaks.

Whatever the reason, many prefer to buy silver coins over gold bullions, as they are much, much more affordable and require less money to start developing a collection. People can buy small sets of silver coins when they feel they can afford them, as opposed to shaving off a bit of gold every now and then.


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